Being Your Best Version:
What does this mean to you? What can it bring to you in terms of being true to yourself, being happy with yourself and living in complete contentment?Let's be honest not many people can live in complete contentment but working towards this can be something that helps you think about your life goals.
How do you identify these? What happens when you achieve them? How do you know it's the right goal? How can this give you life satisfaction?
Being Your Best Version Then: What does this mean to you?
Think of you, as you imagine you would be as your happiest being, feeling satisfied with your life, satisfied and proud of where you have got to, what you have overcome to get there and excited for the future. Then think of the process of how you got there:- What were your goals along the way?
- How did you achieve your goals?
- How many goals did you set in order to get to your chosen destination in life?
- How satisfied were you every time you reached a goal?
Everyone has a different best version, no one person can have the same vision and complete same set of values as anyone else, these are completely personal to you. So how can this give you body confidence?
By understanding "YOUR" best version and living true to you, you can live in complete satisfation that you are 100% working towards the life that you wanted and this gives you "happiness, confidence and power". Don't let "social media and societal views" determine Your Best Version! Create your vision, identify the steps to get there, and work towards this, in your time, in your way and be happy and confident in yourself, in your life and in your happiness.