Jayne Nisbet

Jayne Nisbet

Friday, 17 April 2015

5 Shocking Truths You Don't Want to Hear

As a personal trainer and generally especially being an ex athlete and exposed to that world, it is not uncommon to hear the frustrating phrases... "I am being so strict and I just can't lose weight" - "I am totally getting on it this week" Then fading out after 2 days - "I am trying so hard - I haven't eaten anything today" - "I am just going to eat salad leaves all the time and some protein shakes"...... These are things that are said daily, monthly, weekly and coming summer there is some shocking truths that need to be told.

How many years have you been telling yourself "this year I am going to have a beach body?"
How many times have you looked yourself in the mirror and thought "I look disgusting I want to make a change?"
How many times have you said, "I will start on Monday?"

I constantly get clients saying "you're so lucky you're slim"....... Well here are some shocking truths...

1) To reach your target fitness or weight loss goal REQUIRES you to put fitness above another aspect of your life and prioritise or compromise.
For years of being an athlete I sacrificed social aspects so I could maximise performance. Now a days I manage my weight and fitness by promising myself that to enable me to be healthy, perform in my job and be able to demonstrate to clients and motivate them, fitness comes above everything else. If I want a piece of chocolate its not the end of the world, but I will darn well make sure I get up the next morning and run, gym or walk. It's the same with drinking, if I now occasionally over indulge in alcohol, in the morning the first thing I do is get up and head out to burn the alcohol off. When I am going away for a weekend or the day, I get up 1 hour earlier to get exercise in, its about life changes, exercise becomes a priority and it needs to stay that way.

2) I will start on Monday....?

What if it is Tuesday of the week before.... you are going to wait 6 days before you "start" your fitness and weight loss attack? By the time Monday comes round you will have lost motivation. Your fitness and health change starts here, now, today! Once you decide you want to make a change start doing it straight away!

3) I am eating really well I just can't seem to lose weight...

The bottom line is... ARE YOU ACTUALLY? Science is if you energy expenditure is more than your energy input then you will lose weight... FACT! BUT if you don't eat all day, or eat a banana for breakfast and then some salad leaves at lunch.... Dinner is more than likely to consume your WHOLE daily calorific allowance!!!!! Small, consistent and sensible meals throughout the day are the way forward! If you starve yourself it will only come back to bite you and you will end up putting on more weight. Eat well, eat regularly and be happy!

4) I am struggling to commit to time...

Everybody struggles for time to commit to exercise but as I said in statement 1: you need to start prioritising. You want to look in the mirror and feel happy, you want to wear your skinny jeans you haven't been able to wear for years, you want to feel amazing on social occasions and on your holiday! If that means depriving yourself of 45 minutes - 1 hour of sleep then thats what you have to do. People often say to me, "oh but its your job".... Is it my job to go running at 5.15am so I have time to do everything else with my day? NO. Is it my job to do a circuit at 9pm at night because its my job and I can't fit it in anywhere else? NO... so there is no excuse! Excuses are just another reason to convince yourself that is okay to not make a change... but it's actually not.

5) It's not just a hobby for 5 days....

Its a lifestyle change, its a commitment and once you have commited you will never look back. I have people come up to me and tell me I have changed their life, they hated exercise but they don't know what they would do without it now. It becomes something that is "your" time, its "your" thing and its "your" release! 6 - 8 months in you will notice such a difference but you need to stick at it!

I believe you can do it! All you need is the right guidance, right support and some positivity and you are half way there :)

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